
Founded in 2001, NomadUrbains (UrbanNomads) is a theatre company that is specialized in creating and distributing shows and animations in festivals and special events. NomadUrbains’s creations intend to value the encountering with the audience and aim at looking through an artistic angle to contemporary social challenges.

Whether it was fixed, strolling or animation performances, those creations are aiming at generating a unique relationship with the audience. Thus, interaction is generally at the heart of the artistic approach and the audience is then integrated in the drama. The characters, as surrealistic as they can be, value this portion of mankind that will generate as much laughter as curiosity or reflection.

NomadUrbains’s creations are inspired by the discovery of unusual objects, and by the pleasure to transform matter, as well as the ardent desire to take advantage of the privilege, offered by the public space, to interrogate human issues in a playful way. Every creation is a pretext to encounter mankind from every angle.